PHP Formatter
- Author(s)
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- Company
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- (( resource.label ))
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- Dependencies
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PHP Formatter aims to provide you some bulk actions for your PHP projects to ensure their consistency.
None of them fixes PSR rules.
Install from a Composer package as a global CLI utility (with Composer)
Make sure you have Composer installed.
Require it as a global CLI utility:
Run it:
Make sure your global vendor binaries directory is in your $PATH environment variable. Check the Composer documentation for more information.
composer global require mmoreram/php-formatter:dev-master
Run it:
Make sure your global vendor binaries directory is in your $PATH environment variable. Check the Composer documentation for more information.
Install from a PHP Archive (with curl or wget)
The PHPUnit documentation has a clear manual on how to install PHARs on Windows.
If you have the Suhosin extension enabled,
make sure to allow the execution of PHARs in your php.ini
suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar
Locally (master)
Download it:wget -O php-formatter.phar
curl -sSL -o php-formatter.phar
Use it:
php php-formatter.phar
Globally (master)
Download it:wget -O php-formatter.phar
curl -sSL -o php-formatter.phar
Install it as an executable:
chmod a+x php-formatter.phar
sudo mv php-formatter.phar /usr/local/bin/php-formatter
Use it: